client stories

“He has taught me the importance of strength over just aesthetics, and is incredibly thoughtful and responsive to every question I have.”

- Monica

“I have always been interested in fitness, but it took me a while to get comfortable with the idea of going to the weight section of a gym. Throughout high school, I remember mainly doing Jillian Michaels workouts in my living room. When I got to college, some of my friends began to teach me the basics of weightlifting, and the more I went to the gym, the more obsessed I became. My initial goals were more aesthetically focused, and I made some progress growing my glutes and legs. However, since the pandemic hit and the gyms closed, I wasn’t able to continue with the progress. Before working with Tommy, I struggled a lot with my form, especially with back squats. He has worked diligently with me to make sure I am doing every exercise as perfectly as possible. With proper form I realized you can lift weight much more efficiently. He has taught me the importance of strength over just aesthetics, and is incredibly thoughtful and responsive to every question I have. The advice I would give to new clients is to fully commit to the process and trust Tommy to keep your best interest in mind.”


“He took the time to understand what I wanted, my experience, and my background, as well as me as a person.”

- Quentin

“After doing a consultation with Tommy I knew I was going to commit to him and his program. We connected on many different interests: finance, philosophy, personal growth, music, etc. I was motivated by Tommy's knowledge around working out - specifically him digging immediately into what my goals were and why those goals. We didn't immediately jump into a workout. He took the time to understand what I wanted, my experience, and my background, as well as me as a person. Our program has helped me strengthen my core and my overall form. Tommy has always emphasized form and focus, which has translated into making me the strongest I've ever been. It feels like working out with a friend. Tommy will push you to your limit or just over. We chat throughout the workout about everything under the sun. It's honestly like therapy but while throwing weights around. He also has great music taste and slayed in the live music scene in a previous life - look him up!”


“We are most grateful for our increased energy, focus, strength, and mood that I notice throughout the day,”

- Janet

“My husband, Paul, and I are nearly empty-nesters and our twice-per-week workouts with Tommy are the best gift we could give each other.  We started working with Tommy to improve our vitality and health, as we were starting to feel signs of aging.  I had not-so-great bone scan results and needed to improve the management of my Type 1 diabetes.  That, and well, my pants were getting too tight!  Paul wanted defined muscles…or maybe it was me that wanted that for him, not sure.

Anyway, going to Tommy’s gym is one of our favorite type of “date nights”.  We work up a sweat along with some laughs, ribbing, good music, and great support.  Tommy is flexible and welcomes our teenage son to join us and make it a family event.  My son’s nod of respect when he realized I could lift the equivalent of his weight was a sweet moment!

I’m pleased to share that my pants are now loose (almost ready to go down a size!); my bone scan is solid; and my A1C has come down.  We are most grateful for our increased energy, focus, strength, and mood that I notice throughout the day, as well the healthy habits we are building together.  As for my husband’s muscle definition…. looking good!”


“I am considerably stronger and have learned how to push past my fears and insecurities in a healthy and positive way.”

- Adrienne


“I went in search of a trainer to regain stability and strength and rebuild mental and physical confidence following a serious surgery. I have been working with Tommy for about two years now, and I could not be happier with the entire experience! I can’t express enough my gratitude for having found a trainer who is simultaneously results-driven and knowledgeable and straight-up funny and fun. Our workouts are always varied which keeps things exciting and motivating, and he has an aptitude for determining modifications according to ability. I am considerably stronger and have learned how to push past my fears and insecurities in a healthy and positive way. I was never excited about exercise but his passion for fitness and overall wellbeing has helped me to develop a genuine appreciation for a good workout!”


“My expectations were exceeded as Tommy offered such personalized recommendations.”

- Caitlin


“He was always readily available, especially if I had a major milestone to discuss (new jobs, moving cross country anxiety, etc.). An aspect I was not expecting from working with Tommy is how much we focused on present-day goals. His philosophy focuses on improving your life today, then working outward towards further goals. I believe this approach set up a good foundation for making my future vision goals become more of a reality. When thinking of a "life coach" it can seem too ambiguous, but his day-to-day accountability methodology allowed me to create a strong foundation of my current goals that would help me achieve the life goals later on.”


“The physical strength I have gained in the gym has since translated to a mental and emotional strength in my daily life.”

- Susan

“I first met Tommy in September of 2020. I was taking advantage of the free training session that happened to come with my new gym membership but had no intention of following through with anything. Because I was new to the gym and didn't know what I was doing, I was worried that being evaluated by a trainer would only make my gym anxiety worse. Tommy very quickly put that fear to rest. He was experienced, knowledgeable, focused, and non-judgmental. He made assessments of my fitness level and potential that I really agreed with and felt were realistic. I was confident that he could help me get to the place I wanted to be at physically (better posture, stronger, leaner). Here we are eight months later and that one complimentary training session has turned into a standing weekly to bi-weekly appointment that always ends up being one of the best parts of my week. The physical strength I have gained in the gym has since translated to a mental and emotional strength in my daily life (all of which I needed more than ever as an ICU nurse during the pandemic). Tommy has been an endless source of fitness knowledge, motivation, and reality checks. I highly recommend him to anyone that wants to better their health and their life.“